Monday, October 18, 2010

Sam's Dungeon + Rooms

Recently Sam, the owner of the house left to return back to his native land. North Carolina. He will not be gone for long but while he is away we can take a brief look into his cave that he has recently built out. Upon purchasing the house it was a four bedroom and two bathroom with only one bathroom working and one livable room. Now we have five bedrooms including Sam's dungeon. This is a few photos to show you how humble the owner of the home is. Sam didn't mind taking the smallest room in the house to allow more renters to decrease the total rent paid every month!

Sam's Room Take I

Sam's Room Take II

Since I have posted photos of every room in the house except two here are the other two rooms that were fully working previous to starting remodeling portions of the home. Below is a photo of Joey's room followed by the very clean (sarcasm) room that Alex lives in. One of my favorite things in Joey's room is Brett's large painting! But after all of this looking into rooms I think I have came to a conclusion...we have a lot of shit.

Joey's Room w/ Brett's Painting

Alex's Shantytown Room

1 comment:

  1. The attic room scares me. Probably because I'm 6'3" so I'd die if I had to live there.
    I lived in a fixer upper home a couple years ago with 5 other guys. The owner put in a lot of work to make it nice. The previous owner was an old lady who died on in the living room. He didn't tell us that part until after we moved in. Now I live in married student housing and the living space isn't the best but it beats living in the attic.
